Visualizing Stochastic & Batch Gradient Descent
In this video I have used Matplotlib to bring out the difference between Stochastic and Batch Gradient Descent which are commonly used in Linear Regression.
In this video I have used Matplotlib to bring out the difference between Stochastic and Batch Gradient Descent which are commonly used in Linear Regression.
In this Matplotlib animation, I demonstrate the order in which splits are made based on the information gain while constructing a Decision Tree.
Colinearity is the state where two variables are highly correlated and contain similiar information about the variance within a given dataset. To detect coli...
Stacking is an ensemble learning technique to combine multiple classification models via a meta-classifier. The individual classification models are trained ...
SMOTE stands for Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique. This is a statistical technique for increasing the number of cases in your dataset in a balanced ...