How to upload your python package to PyPi using Twine

Make your code publish-ready

  • Refer to the following blog for understanding how you need to structure your python projects.

Create a python package

  • In order to get started, I created a small Python package which helps you delete specific websites from Google Chrome history. link

Configuring Your Package

  • In order for your package to be uploaded to PyPI, you need to provide some basic information about it. This information is typically provided in the form of a file. This is a good link to understand the various components of the setup file.

Create a PyPi account

  • In order for your package to be uploaded to PyPI, you need to have an PyPi account. Register on the following link

Publishing to PyPI

  • Your package is finally ready to meet the world outside your computer! In this section, you’ll see how to actually upload your package to PyPI.
  • To upload your package to PyPI, you’ll use a tool called Twine. You can install Twine using Pip as usual:
    $ pip install twine

    Building Your Package

  • Packages on PyPI are not distributed as plain source code. Instead, they are wrapped into distribution packages. The most common formats for distribution packages are source archives and Python wheels.
  • A source archive consists of your source code and any supporting files wrapped into one tar file. Similarly, a wheel is essentially a zip archive containing your code. In contrast to the source archive, the wheel includes any extensions ready to use.
  • To create a source archive and a wheel for your package, you can run the following command:
    $ python sdist bdist_wheel
  • This will create two files in a newly created dist directory, a source archive and a wheel inside the dist folder
    • chrome_delete-0.0.8-py3-none-any.whl
    • chrome_delete-0.0.8.tar.gz

Upload your package to PyPi

  • Twine also checks that your package description will render properly on PyPI. You can run twine check on the files created in dist using the command:
    $ twine check dist/*
  • The final step is here :-  
    $ twine upload dist/*

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